
Take a look at some of our most recent blogs. Look into the finer points of search engine optimization techniques that improve your online visibility and keep up to date with Google’s constantly changing algorithms. Learn the techniques of developing aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly mobile applications, as well as the creativity involved in the process.

Author Brad Sacks
Posted on July 22, 2021

The Ultimate In-depth Shopify SEO Guide

Search, and you shall find. And that search will, most likely, be performed via one of the world’s most extensive tech giants, Google! The latest statistics show that 86% of web searches are conducted on Google. How does this tie into Shopify? Well, if you’re on Shopify, you’re going to want to make sure your… Continue reading The Ultimate In-depth Shopify SEO Guide

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on June 4, 2021

10 Most Important SEO KPI’s You Should Track

No matter how long you’ve been in this website world, SEO can be really, really tricky. You can be equipped with all the right analytical tools, but even so, sometimes it gets really confusing to figure out how to make sense out of the data that you have at your disposal. A significant part of SEO is… Continue reading 10 Most Important SEO KPI’s You Should Track

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on May 9, 2021

Google Page Experience: All You Need To Know About Google’s Latest Ranking Factor

The Google Page Experience will become the new ranking factor in 2021 – the search engine giant officially made this announcement in November 2020. Google continues to aggressively pursue the goal of improving the user experience within its search results. To remain visible in its results pages, website owners and site operators are left with… Continue reading Google Page Experience: All You Need To Know About Google’s Latest Ranking Factor

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on April 30, 2021

Increase Online Sales With These 6 Simple Conversion Tips

Do you think that people make their decisions rationally? Not always! Rather, they listen to their gut or their instinct and allow themselves to be guided by emotions, often unconsciously. If you want to increase your online sales, keep this knowledge clearly in mind when developing marketing campaigns. To support you in the future, we… Continue reading Increase Online Sales With These 6 Simple Conversion Tips

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on April 19, 2021

Brand Strategy for 2021 in Three Steps

Experience Your Brand’s Full Potential Our clients come to us with current and often very in-depth analyses. These analyses may include market segmentation information, trend studies, target group analyses, and most importantly, the brand’s core analyses. However, we often find that despite all of this thorough research, there still seems to be a lack of… Continue reading Brand Strategy for 2021 in Three Steps

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on March 22, 2021

Google Is Exclusively Switching To Mobile First Indexing This Month, March 2021: Here Are 5 Tips For Better Rankings

Google is putting an end to desktop crawls for good. Starting this month, March 2021, mobile-first indexing will become the standard for all websites. What does that mean for your website’s rankings? Well, if Google only uses the mobile version of a landing page as the basis for the evaluation for the ranking, you or… Continue reading Google Is Exclusively Switching To Mobile First Indexing This Month, March 2021: Here Are 5 Tips For Better Rankings

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