
Take a look at some of our most recent blogs. Look into the finer points of search engine optimization techniques that improve your online visibility and keep up to date with Google’s constantly changing algorithms. Learn the techniques of developing aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly mobile applications, as well as the creativity involved in the process.

Author Brad Sacks
Posted on February 25, 2021

The Ultimate Local-SEO Hacks for Businesses

In the world of online marketing, local SEO is often hailed as the silver bullet for small and medium-sized businesses. Unfortunately, one cannot say whether this is always true. Although local SEO requires considerably less capital investment compared to (probably) any other form of marketing, if it’s not done right, there’s a risk of failure. What… Continue reading The Ultimate Local-SEO Hacks for Businesses

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on February 11, 2021

Top 12 Must-Know WordPress Website Tips & Tricks 2021

More than 500 websites are built on WordPress every day. On average, 17 new posts get published on WordPress every second. In a month, WordPress is searched on Google more than 37 million times. WordPress is a powerful CMS and many sites all over the world use this platform. So for those who are new… Continue reading Top 12 Must-Know WordPress Website Tips & Tricks 2021

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Author Brad Sacks
Posted on January 15, 2021

SEO Trends 2021: How To Improve Your Website This New Year

Google Page Experience Metrics will go live with the Core Web Vitals in May 2021. What does this mean for business owners, and webmasters in Canada and the United States? That a site’s user-friendliness and satisfaction are crucial and will be introduced as major ranking factors. That being said, here are our top SEO trends… Continue reading SEO Trends 2021: How To Improve Your Website This New Year

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